Saturday 10 May 2014

Create Wordlists using Crunch in Kali Linux

About Crunch

 Crunch is a tool for creating bruteforce wordlists which can be used to audit password strength. The size of these wordlists is not to be underestimated, however crunch can make use of patterns to reduce wordlist sizes, can compress output files in various formats and (since v2.6) now includes a message advising the size of the wordlist that will be created, giving you a 3 second window to stop the creation should the size be too large for your intended use.

Go to Application > Kali Linux > Password Attacks > Offline Attacks > then choose the Crunch option.

or open the Terminal and type Crunch. it will open Crunch for you.
Syntax for Creating WordList :-
crunch <min> <max> <charset> -t <pattern> – o <filename.lst>
min = minimum chractor that you want to add in your word list
max = maximum chractor that you want to add in your word list
Charset = Which charactor you want to add in your wordlist like abcd  or 123455
Pattern = Your worlist pattern for example, you want to create the numbers from 98******* means your first two digit will static and last digits will be variable.

For example, i want to create minimum 10 digits , maximum 10 digits , abcd987 chratorset with pattern abc@@@@@@@ and to save the file on the desktop.

So my syntex will be
root@KaliLinux:~#crunch 10 10  abcd987 -t abc@@@@@@ -o /root/Desktop/file.txt

it will create a 823543 lines of password

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